Monday, November 28, 2011
Hey Mom,
Well it's your missionary daughter who feels great and happy and just ready to do the Lord's work this week! I have a change of heart and things are going to keep getting better and better!
Well to start off, this last week has been tough in ways but also wonderful! I know that I have seemed down, upset and just miserable but there is a change. I have had a lot of different things happen this week and am so grateful for my Savior and the things that He has put me through ... I have become stronger and how I continue to understand the power of the Atonement!
This past week was good; on Tuesday we did battle with our Seminary Class in the area of Baytown . It was missionaries verses the Seminary class. There were five missionaries and five seminary students. There is suppose to be more like ten students but unfortunately not all the kids go to class. But we had fun and of course the missionaries totally beat the students. The kids were really hyper that morning and also tired and it was just crazy. It was funny because we missionaries were all calm and we turned to the scriptures the quickest and it was super fun! Loved it! We had to wake up early in the morning for class because they don't have it during school like we do so that was pretty crazy! I was tired that day!
On Tuesday we also helped Sister Schaumberger get ready for Thanksgiving and that was fun too. We cleaned house and the fridge (Yucky) but we had a great time! I love her dearly and she loves me! She really wants me to move back after my mission and live with her; that would be fun to be near all the people I have grown to love, but I need to go back home and get to school and move forward. But I did tell her that I am coming back in October so she was glad and happy!
Well guess what I learned to do this week? I can make a shirt out of a $1 Bill! Yeah it's so cool! I learned it at an inactive member’s home and I learned it from her brother. We had a fun night there just talking and also helping her read The Book of Mormon and then having her brother help her out! We are planning to go back there this week to see how it's going!
Wednesday was super fun! We went to the Galaviz home to help bake some pies! We made pumpkin and apple pies and also some cheese cake! It was lots of fun! I learned to make pies! Yeah!
Thanksgiving was fun! We had a morning Thanksgiving at the Galaviz and I ate some turkey and some green beans. Yep, and I had a little pumpkin and apple pie … but don't worry … I didn't eat the crust! But it was soo good! Loved it! We made a Christmas tree too! She has made so many trees over the years with missionaries and she said they always ship it home and never leave it for the other missionaries! And I can see why, my tree is so cute! So after Christmas I'm sending it home with some other stuff I have to ship so I can have it forever in my own place; it's so cute! I love it! I knew you would love a phone call that day! Sister Galaviz loved calling you! I heard your voice a little bit but I can't wait to talk to you at Christmas time! She couldn't talk long as she doesn't have a normal cell phone; it was one of those minute phones, but she was sure glad to do that for me because I didn't want you to send me a tree when we had just made one. But ornaments would be good, you could send those to me as we don't have much on the tree!
Sister Galaviz helping Sister Hawkins and Sister Higley
make their own Christmas tree!
So you asked what I want for Christmas. Well mom there is my friend Elder Rasmussen, and his mom got him a cool ring. It's a silver ring and it's thick, kinda like guys wedding bands, and on the band it's has this. "T.H.E. Mission" That would be so cool to have. I asked where his mom got it and he said online somewhere, where you can make rings. Mom that would be so cool to have. I would need a size 9 for my middle finger I believe! And I would like a sign language CTR ring for my ring finger size 8.5. You got me all my sign language church movies for my birthday so I don't know what else. Oh I need shoes and I need a journal.
Well this week was also fun because we got to go work on that house again! More construction work. Man it makes me want to do house building when I go home! Its fun work and it's cool to see the progress of things! We had to get all the wood pieces out of the floor so I racked and I got a blister on my thumb. Then the Elders dug up the dirt to even out the ground because here in Texas you don't build in the ground … you build on top so your house is not touching the ground, it's like on blocks. So their foundation is bad so we had to even out the dirt! It was so awesome and lots of fun! I got pretty dirty with all the dirt flying around but it's fun! Oh I would like some new pj's for Christmas. I have had my Eeyore ones for a while now. Wow that was totally random! LOL.
Well things are getting better for me mom. I'm starting to do better; this eating only certain things is tough but I know it's for my health. Yeah it stinks that I can’t have yummy desserts anymore but it's for my health! The members are really awesome about cooking me chicken and having a salad! But sometime I don't have dressing because everyone has ranch and that has dairy in it so I like it when members have Italian dressing. I would carry some around with me but it would spoil in the car or my bag. But it's getting better!
Transfers are in a week, and who knows who is going to go or stay! There are a couple of people who think I'm gonna stay and finish my mission in Baytown and there are a couple of people saying that I'm gonna leave because I only have two transfers left. But I guess we will see in a week! Well mom I need to run. I have a busy day for p-day but I want you to know I am better and lots happier! I love you mom and I hope you and the family have a fun week and have fun at your Santa Night in front of our house. Make sure you take pictures so I can see how it went. If Zaebyn, Cadi and Wade come make sure you get pictures and also if Rachel and Jackson are there too! OH and if there are missionaries that come and sit on Santa's lap … take pictures! LOL!
Well I love you mom. Thanks for the pictures. I love them dearly and it is great to see everything that is going on! Love ya Good Luck next Monday!
Love Sister Hawkins!
Us and the Spanish speaking Missionaries at
Sister Schaumbergers house for Thanksgiving.
One of my families I love dearly!
Vince, and his daughter, me, Meme, and Kevin!
A member got me a cute cupcake and sang to me
but I couldn't eat the cupcake ... Sister Higley did though
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